Where it all started.
A few years back, I agreed to do my first art fair but didn't want to just twiddle my thumbs awkwardly as people looked at my stuff, so at the last minute I decided to do a bit of performance art and tell people's misfortunes instead.
I had no idea if it would work but after an hour or so, I'd written a dozen prophecies and had a queue that turned into a crowd that got so big it had to be managed by the security staff.
After that surreal day, word got out and soon I was telling misfortunes for people all over the world. And now, you can have yours told too.
After a brief but intimate email exchange, I will consult the spirit world until I hear them speak your prophecy, then carefully quill it for you. They work well as birthday and Christmas gifts, so I'm told, and fit easily into an A4 Ikea Ribba frame.
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